Below is a chronological list of selected publications that reflect the work that is carried out in the Creating Healthy People lab.
* = student co-author
Dodge, T., *Hoffman, R. K., *Kracke-Bock, J., Jaccard, J. J., & Stock, M. L. (2023). How does being under the influence affect willingness to experience overlapping effects of alcohol and marijuana? Substance Use & Misuse, 58, 1483-1492.
*Hoffman, R. K., *Jobe, M. C., & Dodge, T. (2023). A brief self-persuasion intervention to strengthen health-promoting dietary intentions through autonomous motivation. Appetite, 180.
Dodge, T., *Vaylay, S., & *Kracke-Bock, J. (2022). Subjective vitality: A benefit of self-directed, leisure time physical activity. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 2903-2922.
Dodge, T., *Joshi, D., Alharbi, M., & Moore, B. (2021). Effect of physical activity goals on aerobic physical activity: testing the mediating role of external and internal motivation. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 1-15.
Dodge, T., *Joshi, D., Abaakhail, S., & Moore, B. (2020). Physical activity goals among patients in a primary care setting. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10, 792-800.
*Joshi, D., & Dodge, T. (2020). Compensatory physical activity: Impact on type of physical activity and physical activity habits among female young adults. Journal of American College Health, 1 -10.
*Clarke, P., Dodge, T., Marzell, M., Turrisi, R., & Williams, K. (2018). Testing assumptions of the categorization approach to studying sports participation and alcohol use. Journal of Drug Education: Substance Abuse Research and Prevention.
*Clarke, P., Dodge, T., & Stock, M. (2018). The impact of recreational marijuana legislation in Washington, DC on marijuana use cognitions. Substance Use & Misuse, 53, 2165-2173.
Dodge, T. & *Clarke, P. (2018). Testing weight motives and guilt/shame as mediators of the relationship between alcohol use and physical activity. Addictive, 77, 131-136.
Dodge, T., *Clarke, P., & *Dwan, R. (2017). The relationship between physical activity and alcohol use among adults in the United States: A systematic review of the literature. American Journal of Health Promotion, 31, 97-108.
Dodge, T. (2016). Consumers’ perceptions of the dietary supplement health and education act: Implications and recommendations. Drug Testing and Analysis, 8, 407-409.
Petróczi, A., Dodge, T., Backhouse, S., & Adesanwo, C. (2014). Review of the literature on negative health risks based interventions to guide anabolic steroid misuse prevention. Performance Enhancement & Health, 3, 31-44.
Dodge, T. & *Clarke, P. (2015). Influence of parent-adolescent communication about anabolic steroids on adolescent athletes’ willingness to try performance enhancing substances. Substance Use & Misuse, 50, 1307-1315.
Dodge, T., Stock, M., & *Litt, D. (2013). Judgments about illegal performance-enhancing substances: Reasoned, reactive, or both? Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 962-971.
Ormsbee, M. J., Kinsey, A. W., Chong, M., Friedman, H. S., Dodge, T., & Fehling, P. C. (2013). The influence of high intensity interval training on the salivary cortisol response to a psychological stressor and mood state in non-sedentary college students. JEPonline, 16, 105-116.
Dodge, T., Williams, K., Turrisi, R., & Marzell, M. (2012). Judging cheaters: Is substance misuse viewed similarly in the athletic and academic domains? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, 678-682.
Dodge, T., & **Hoagland, M. (2011). The use of anabolic androgenic steroids and polypharmacy: A review of the literature. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 114, 100-109.
Dodge, T., Litt, D., & Kaufman, A. (2011). Influence of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) on consumer beliefs about the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements. Journal of Health Communication, 16, 230-244.